Pearl of Wisdom
'On the Day of Resurrection, a servant who used to pray regularly will be brought forth, and he will beg, ?O Lord, I prayed in seeking Your pleasure', and he will be told, 'No, you prayed so that people would say how beautiful your prayer was. Take him to the Fire.'
Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 72, p. 301, no. 44, and al-Zuhd li al-Husayn ibn Sa'id, p. 63, no. 166
Social Interactions |
Courteous social relations with Allah's creation while avoiding all acts of disobedience to Him is a sign of Allah's excessive generosity with His bondsman. Whoever is sincere and humble before Allah in his innermost being will have good social interaction externally. Keep company with people for the sake of Allah and do not keep company merely for your own share of worldly affairs, for seeking rank, showing off, or for reputation. Do not fall below the limits of the shari'ah for the sake of social intercourse, such as trying to keep up with others, or gaining a reputation, for these things cannot make up for you, and you will miss the next world, with no recourse. Treat someone who is older than you as you would your father, someone who is younger than you as you would a son. Treat your peer as you would a brother. Do not abandon what you know to be certain within yourself for something heard from other people which you doubt. Be gentle when you enjoin good, and compassionate when you forbid evil. Never abandon good counsel in any circumstance. As Allah said,
 Speak to men good words. (2:83)
Cut yourself off from what makes you forget to remember Allah, when temptation distracts you from obedience to Him, for that comes from the friends and helpers of Satan. Do not allow the sight of them to move you to dissimulation with the truth, for that would be a terrible loss indeed. We seek refuge with Almighty Allah.