Pearl of Wisdom

in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'And fix a time for the plaintiffs wherein you make yourself free for them, and sit for them in common audience and feel humble therein for the sake of Allah Who created you. [On that occasion] you should keep away your army and your assistants such as the guards and the police so that anyone who would like to speak may speak to you without fear, because I have heard the Messenger of Allah (SAWA) say in more than one place, 'The people among whom the right of the weak is not secured from the strong without fear will never achieve purity.' Tolerate their awkwardness and inability to speak. Keep away narrowness and haughtiness from yourself...'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Letter 53

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The person who has a sincere intention is the one who has a sound heart; because a sound heart, free from thoughts about forbidden things, comes from making your intention purely for Allah in all matters.

The day on which neither property will avail, nor sons, except him who comes to Allah with a heart free [from evil]. (26:88-9)

The Holy Prophet said, 'The intention of the believer is better than his action,' and also, 'Actions are by intentions, and every man will obtain what he had intended.' The slave of Allah must therefore have sincere intention in every moment of action and stillness because then he will not be heedless. Those who are heedless have been censured by Allah:

They are nothing but as cattle; nay, they are straying farther off from the path. (25:44)

These are the heedless ones. (7:179)

Intention appears from the heart, according to the purity of knowledge. It varies as belief varies, at different moments in its strength and weakness. The selfishness and passion of those with sincere intention is subjugated to the power of the glorification of Allah and modesty before Him. He is by his nature, his appetites and his own desires, in a state of discomfort, and yet people find ease at his hand.

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