Pearl of Wisdom
walking past a person speaking meddlesomely, said, 'You dictate to your two angels the book inscribed for your Lord, so speak about issues that concern you and leave whatever does not concern you.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Amali al-Saduq, p. 85, no. 53
The Honour and Sanctity of the Believers |
No one respects the honour of the believers except the person who respects the honour and sacred claim of Allah over the believers. The person who best fulfils this sacred claim with respect to Allah and His Messenger is he who is the most particular in his respect for the believers' claim to honour. Whoever thinks little of the believers' honour has rent apart the raiment of his belief. The Holy Prophet said, 'Part of esteem for Allah is to respect those who are near to Allah in belief.' And again, 'Whoever is not merciful to a young person nor respectful to an old person is not one of us. Do not call a Muslim an unbeliever when repentance can make up for it, unless he is someone that Allah has mentioned in His Book.' Allah said,
 The hypocrites are in the lowest level of the Fire. (4:145)
Occupy yourself with your business about which you will be questioned.