Pearl of Wisdom

to a group of people not planting, 'What are you doing?' They said, 'We are placing our trust in Allah.' He said, 'No, rather you are the dependents.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, v. 11, p. 217, no. 12789

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Reluctance to Act E-mail

A person who feels reluctant to act falls short of what is correct, even if he does right; while a person who acts voluntarily is correct, even if he errs. The reluctant one obtains only contempt in the end, and weariness, toil and misery while he is carrying out the action. The outer being of a reluctant person is showing off, and his inner being is hypocrisy: they are the wings with which he flies. The reluctant person never has any of the qualities of the righteous nor any of the marks of the believers, wherever he is. As Allah said to His Prophet [s],

Say, I do not ask you for any reward for it; nor am I of those who affect [i.e. act with reluctance]. (38:86)

The Holy Prophet said, 'we, the company of prophets, the fearfully aware, the trusty, we disavow the reluctant.' So, fear Allah and do away with reluctance, and it will mark you with the sign of belief. Do not be occupied with something whose garment is affliction, with food which in the end is emptiness, with an abode whose end is ruin, with wealth whose end is to be inherited by others, with comrades whom in the end one must take leave of, with glory which in the end is abasement, with loyalty which in the end is abandonment, or with a life whose end is grief.

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