Pearl of Wisdom

'Do not be obscene in your council and meeting lest people avoid you for your bad behaviour; and do not whisper with a man when you are with another.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 84, p. 354, no. 2

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Gnosis (ma 'rifah) E-mail

The person of the gnostic ('arif) is with the people, while his heart is with Allah. If his heart were to forget Allah for the time it takes to blink an eye, he would die of yearning for Him. The gnostic is the trustee over the happenings of Allah, the treasury of His secrets, the repository of his lights, the proof of His mercy to creation, the instrument of His sciences and the measure of His favour and justice.

He needs neither people, nor a goal, or nor this world. He has no intimate except Allah, nor any speech, gesture or breath except by Allah, with Allah, and from Allah, for he frequents the garden of His sanctity and is enriched by His subtlest favours to him. Gnosis is a root whose branch is belief.

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