Pearl of Wisdom

'The prosperous one is he who prospered from when he was in his mother's womb, and the wretched one is he who was wretched from when he was in his mother's womb.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 491

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"Lord! Do not let our hearts deviate after having guided us, but grant us mercy from Your own Presence, for You are the Grantor of bounties without measure" (Qur'an, 3:8).

"Al-Wahhab" is derived from the proper noun hibah the verb of which, yahib, means: to make someone else the owner of what the giver, the first party (the doer), rightfully owns without asking the second party for any compensation in return.

It is the gift which is free from any recompense or gain for the giver. If someone gives out such gifts quite often, he will earn the titles of jawad and wahhab, the generous one, the oft-giving, respectively. Allah Almighty is described as the Most Generous, the Most Giving, i.e. al-Wahhab, simply because He gives everyone according to his means. Among Allah's Attributes are al-Wahhab and al-Wahib. The latter Attribute means: the giver, whereas the first is a superlative of the latter. One who is wahab is one who grants many gifts.

Al-Wahhab is the One Who gives away without compensation; He bestows His favors upon His servants without a selfish end; He grants even without being asked; He is the One Who initiates giving, and He is the oft-Giver. Allah is surely al-Wahhab because He is the Most Munificent, the Most Giving, the One Who ever tries to get closer to His servants, Who graciously bestows His favors upon them, Who gives them even before they ask Him, the ever-Giver Who gives everyone what he needs.

Al-Wahhab bestows His blessings upon His servants, and this indicates His inclusion of everyone as He continuously gives. He does not give painstakingly, nor does He seek a benefit, or an advantage, for Himself by doing so. Al-Wahhab showers you with His blessings without having to have a reason or a means to do so. Al-Wahhab gives away without being compensated for what He gives, and He causes all beings to die without a particular purpose He seeks to achieve for Himself. According to Surat al-Shura, "He bestows (children), male or female, according to His Will (and Plan)" (Qur'an, 42:49).

Whenever the Messenger of Allah used to wake up during the night, he would supplicate thus:
"Lord! There is no God but You! Glory to You! Lord! I seek Your forgiveness for my sins, and I plead to You, by Your mercy, O Lord, to increase my share of knowledge, not to permit my heart to deviate after having guided it, and to grant me, from You, a mercy, for surely You are al-Wahhab..."

The person who repeats this Name seven times after Du’a (supplication) appealing to Allah, his appeal will be answered. A needy person, or a person who is captured by an enemy, or someone who can’t earn enough to maintain himself, if he repeats this Name for three or seven nights 100 times after two rak’ahs of a Nafla (voluntary) prayers at midnight, Allah will bless him with all his needs, and free him from the clutches of the enemy.
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