Pearl of Wisdom
There is no bail for any of Allah's punishments.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Da 'a 'im al-Islam, v. 2, p. 65, no. 181
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We acknowledge the Brother Hajj Ali Dirani for providing the original file containing the 'Asma ul Husna'. He can be contacted on The files you find here are NOT IN the Public domain, and the copy rights of the files still remain with the above author
Al Mughni |
"and if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you out of His grace if He pleases; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise." (Quran 09:28)
Al-Mughni has granted His favors to His servants abundantly and facilitated for them the achievement of their goals and objectives, and the meeting of their everyday needs. There is no independence nor self-sufficiency except that He caused it to exist. He enriches His friends from the treasures of His lights, facilitates for those who live in the universe to access the means of their livelihood and sustenance by His decree. He enriches every truth which He provides in a measure, for He, and only He, knows its secrets, what is hidden of it and what is apparent. Allah is the Enricher, yet a servant of His whom He has enriched cannot be thought at all as being absolutely independent. The least of his affairs proves that he needs al-Mughni; therefore, he is never independent; rather, he may be independent of anyone except Allah Who provides him with what he needs while not jeopardizing the causes for his needs. The true independent person is one who does not need anyone at all. One who needs and finds what he needs is independent only by way of analogy, which is the most that can be said about anyone besides Allah. As regarding the lack of need, this is out of the question for anyone besides Him. But if one needs none save Allah, then he will be called ghaniyy. Had he had no need at all, the verse saying "... and Allah is self-Sufficient while you have need (of Him)" (Qur’an, 47:38) would not have been accurate. Had there been any possibility at all that Allah could in any way be regarded as in need of anything, there would have been no need for the Almighty to be al-Mughni, the Enricher. Al-Mughni makes whomsoever from among His servants self-sufficient. He grants independence and self-sufficiency to His servants, and He can be regarded as granting them self-sufficiency. And Allah also makes some of His servants independent of others, for all needs are in reality met by Him: His creatures cannot do anything for themselves without His help; so, how can they be thought to help others when they themselves need to be helped? He grants independence and self-sufficiency to whomsoever He pleases from among His servants according to His wisdom and will; He says the following in Surat Taha: "... Our Lord gave everything its creation then guided" (Qur’an, 20:50). About Himself, al-Mughni has said, ... if they are needy, Allah will make them free from want by His grace. (24:32) And that He enriches and Who withholds. (53:48) And He found you in want and made you free from want. (93:8) One of the ways to derive a code of ethics from al-Ghaniyy and al-Mughni is that one realizes that he needs Him constantly, and that he trusts in what Allah has more than he does in what he himself has, and to be good in conducting generosity and benevolence towards other servants of Allah. One of the norms of conduct of a believer with regard to the Attribute "al-Mughni" is that once he realizes Him to be the One and only One Who is Independent of any need, the One Who satisfies all the needs of His servants, he will rely on Him in everything and refer to Him in every matter.