Pearl of Wisdom

'The thief's hand should only be cut for a theft of a quarter dinar or more.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Sahih Muslim, v. 3, p. 1312, no. 2

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The Holy Qur'an » Asma ul Husna » Al Malikul-Mulk
Al Malikul-Mulk E-mail

"Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom! You give the kingdom to whomsoever You please and take the kingdom away from whomsoever You please, and You exalt whomsoever You please and abase whomsoever You please; in Your hand is goodness; surely You have power over all things." (3:26)

Malikul-Mulk affects His will in His kingdom however He pleases, letting some live and others perish. The mulk in this context means the kingdom, and the Malik is the Omnipotent, the Most Powerful. All things in existence are included in His kingdom, so His is one kingdom because all things in it are somehow connected to one another. Although they may be regarded as many, they constitute one entity, one kingdom.

Malikul-Mulk fares with His kingdom as He pleases, and none can revoke His judgment, nor can anyone appeal or repeal it. All things in existence, in all their degrees and levels, constitute one kingdom owned by One: Allah, the Most Exalted. Malikul-Mulk is the true King Who deals with His kingdom as He pleases, bringing things into existence in it or ending the existence of some of its beings, chastising some and accepting the repentance of others, without anyone sharing the authority with Him or prohibiting Him from doing whatever He pleases.

"Malikul-Mulk" occurs in the original Arabic text of this verse: "Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom!" (Qur’an, 3:26). Another derivative is "al-malakoot" which exists in "Glory to the One in Whose hand is the kingdom of all things, and to Him you shall be brought back" (Qur’an, 36:83).

... and a hard Day shall it be for the unbelievers. (25:26) To Whom does the kingdom belong this Day? To Allah, the One, the One Who subdues (all). (40:16) And Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the eventual return. (24:42)

The Messenger of Allah is quoted saying that Allah's Greatest Name, the one because of which He will respond if thereby invoked, exists in the verse saying, "Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom!" (Qur’an, 3:26).

The Commander of the Faithful Imam `Ali ibn Abu lib was asked once by Ababah ibn Rab`i al-Asdi about "ability." The Commander of the Faithful asked Abadah, "Do you have it without Allah or with Him?" Ababah could not answer, so he told him to say something. "What shall I say, O Commander of the Faithful?!" asked Ababah.
He answered, "You should say that you have it by permission of Allah Who has full control over it without your help. If He opts to grant it to you, then it is a boon which He gives you. And if He takes it away, it is a trial from Him. He is the real Owner of what you own, and the One Who owns what He enables you to possess. Have you not heard about seeking His help and might by saying, `Surely there is no help nor might except through Allah'?"
The man asked him, "And what does it mean, O Commander of the faithful?" He said, "It means: We do not stay away from committing acts of disobedience to Allah except if He protects us against disobeying Him, and we have no strength to obey Him except if He grants us His help," whereupon the man leaped and kissed his hands and feet.

The kingdom of each and every servant of Allah is his own body. If it affects his will regarding his heart and senses, he will then be the owner of his kingdom according to the extent of his control over it.
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