Pearl of Wisdom

Wasa'il al-Shi'a, narrating from Ishaq b. 'Ammar: 'I said to Abu Abdullah: 'I enforced upon myself [as a vow] two units of prayer to perform while travelling or at home in thanks to Allah: 'Should I pray them while travelling during the daytime?' He said, 'Yes.' He then said, 'I hate the making of things obligatory; which is when a man makes something obligatory upon himself.' I said, 'I did not make them [the two units] obligatory on myself for Allah, but I made it incumbent for myself, to pray in thanks to Allah, and I did not make it obligatory for myself. So can I leave them, ifl want?' He said, 'Yes.?

Ishaq b. 'Ammar
Ibid. v. 16, p. 189, no. 1

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We acknowledge the Brother Hajj Ali Dirani for providing the original file containing the 'Asma ul Husna'. He can be contacted on

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"For his sake there are angels following one another, before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah's commandment; surely Allah does not change the condition of people until they change their own conditions, and if Allah intends evil to anyone, there is none to avert it, and besides Him they have no protector" (Qur’an, 13:11).

Al-Wali is the Owner of everything; He deals with everything as He pleases. The mawla is also a supporter or a helper.

Al-Wali manages the affairs of all creation. He initiates whatever improves the condition of His creatures. In other words, He is the Absolute and undisputed Ruler. Al-Wali is the One and only One Who manages all affairs, Who does everything, and there is no continuity or existence without His permission; everything happens according to His judgment and by His command. Al-Wali gives graciously by halting the advent of mishaps and calamities.

Among the characteristics of al-Wali is that He manages, is capable and is the doer of whatever He pleases. Unless all these attributes are found in someone, he will not be called wali, and there is no wali for our affairs except Allah. He, and only He, single-handedly manage them first and foremost and safeguards their continuity and existence. It is also possible to attach to the wali the meaning of: One Who gives abundantly, Who wards off evil.
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