Pearl of Wisdom
'When people are miserly with their dinars and their dirhams [i.e. their wealth] and conclude bargains only upon sampling, and are too busy running after their livestock, and abandon fighting in the way of Allah (jihad), Allah brings down such disgrace upon them that can never be revoked until they turn back to their religion.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 10504
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Messenger and People |
The word messenger’s (resul) noun derivatives are used 368 times. Noun and verb derivatives are used 513 times altogether. We will see that in the next chapter).In the Quran, the words meaning “people” and all their derivatives are used 368 times. These words are derived from the roots “nas” and “beþer”. (The derivatives of these words are as follows: nas, insan, ins, unas, enasiyye, insiyye, beþer, beþeren, bþereyni) Messenger is a person sent to people whose mission is to transfer God’s message to men. The relationship between “people” and “messenger” is clear and this relation is reflected perfectly with the exact same use of these words in such a great number, 368 times each. Below are two examples where these two words are used: 168- O people, eat only the products of the earth that are lawful and good… 2. The Cow, 168 15- Whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and whoever goes astray does so to his own loss; and no sinner will bear the sins of anyone else. We never punish till We have sent a messenger. 17. The Children of Israel, 15 The word | Number of occurrence | Messenger | 368 | People | 368 |