Pearl of Wisdom
when asked about which of speaking or silence was better, said, 'For each of these two there are harms, and when they are both safe from harm, speaking is better than keeping quiet.' They asked him, 'How is this so, O son of the Prophet (SAWA)?' He said, 'Because Allah Almighty did not send prophets and successors to remain quiet, rather He sent them with speech, nor is Heaven earned by silence, nor is quietness obligated for the vicegerency of Allah, and nor is protection from Hell sought through silence. This is all possible through speech.'
Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al-'Abidin [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 71, p. 274, no. 1
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The Stages of Creation and Man |
Verse 67 of the sura The Believer and the verse 14 of the sura The Belivers refer to the stages of the creation of the man. We can sum up the stages until the time of the birth under 6 head lines: 1- dust, 2- drop (sperm), 3- the hanging (the hanging on the womb wall), 4- a bite size meat, 5- the bones, 6- flesh. (We examined how miraculously the Quran speaks of the creation of man between the chapters 48 and 54) The words that describe the stages are mentioned as follows ; 1- dust (turab) 17 times 2- drop (nutfe) 12 times 3- the hanging (alaq) 6 times 4- a bite size meat (mudgha) 3 times 5- the bones (izame) 15 times 6- flesh (lahm) 12 times. These stages man undergo before his birth are used 65 times in total. And the word “man” is also used 65 times in the Quran. Can all this be the consequence of coincidences? The two verses which reflect to the stages of creation are as follows: 67- He is the One who created you from dust, and subsequently from a drop, then a hanging, then He brings you forth as a child… 40. The Believer, 67 14- Then We developed the drop into a hanging, then develop the hanging into a bite size meat, then created the bite size meat into bones, then covered the bones with flesh. Then formed him into a new creation. Most blessed is God, the best creator. 23. The Believers, 14 The word | Number of occurrence | Dust | 17 | Drop | 12 | Hanging | 6 | Bite size meat | 3 | Bones | 15 | Flesh | 12 | | Total = 65 | Man | 65 |