Pearl of Wisdom

to an atheist who asked him, 'Wherefore did you establish the [need for and existence of] prophets?' 'When we established that we have a Creator and Maker, supreme over us and over all that he created, and that this Maker is so Wise and Supreme that His creation cannot see Him or touch Him, like they can mutually see each other and contend with each other, it hence becomes established that he has ambassadors among His creation who speak on His behalf to His creation and servants. They guide creation to their advantages and benefits, and to that which will secure their survival and the abandonment of which will destroy them.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 1, p. 168, no. 1

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The Holy Qur'an » Facts and Miracles » Sorcery and Temptation
Sorcery and Temptation E-mail

From the Quran, we learn that sorcery is a temptation. It is in the same verse that these two words are used for the first time. (The Cow, 102) In this verse, the relationship between these words is clear. These words and their derivatives are used 60 times each. The verse in which they are used for the first time as follows:

102- …Solomon, however was not a disbeliever, while the devils were disbelievers. Thus, they taught the people sorcery that was sent down through the two angels of Babel, Harut and Marut, who however never taught it without saying: ”We are only a temptation. Be not then a disbeliever”…
                                                                                                      2. The Cow, 102

The word Number of occurrence
Sorcery 60
Temptation 60
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