Pearl of Wisdom
'He who attains inner knowledge of Allah and aggrandizes Him forbids his mouth from speaking [vain] and Inner Knowledge of Allah his stomach from eating, and debilitates himself through fasting and praying.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Amali al-Saduq, p. 647, no. 878
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Satan and Seek Refuge |
In the Quran, we are told that Satan is the enemy of mankind. Muslims should seek refuge in God in order to be protected from the evil of Satan. The relationship between these two words is crystal clear for the people who know the Quran. These two words are used in equal numbers i.e., 11 times each. Examples are given below; 50- …they fell prostrate, except Satan. He was one of the jinns and rebelled against His Lord’s command… 18. The Cave, 5 1- Say “I seek refuge in the Lord of the Prophet.” 114. People, 1 The word | Number of occurrence | Satan | 11 | Seek refuge | 11 |