Pearl of Wisdom
'A little knowledge is better than a lot of worship.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Munyat al-Murid, p. 105
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The Land-Sea Ratio |
The word sea (bahr) is used 32 times in the Quran. The word bahr is used both for the sea and other waters like lakes and rivers. The word land (berr, yabas) is used 13 times. If we calculate the ratio of 32 to 45 the result is 71.111%. You may look up in any encyclopedia in the world and see that the lands cover 29% of the earth whereas the seas cover 71% of it. It is really an interesting miracle that scientific and the Quranic ratios of the lands to the seas are exactly the same. This knowledge which was not available in Muhammad’s time is coded in the Quran with concordance of words. People who will outgrow their stubbornness will see that this is an easy to understand and impossible to imitate miracle. The Word | Number of occurrence | The Ratio | Sea | 32 | 32/45=71.111 | Land | 13 | 13/45=28.888 | The ratio of seas to earth | %71 | The ratio of lands to earth | %29 |