Pearl of Wisdom
Imam wrote in a letter to Muhammad b. Abu Bakr, 'Observe the timing of the prayer and perform it at its prescribed time, neither hastening to pray it earlier in order to be free of it, nor delaying it because of some work.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 83, p. 14, no. 25
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Days |
The different uses of the word “day” in the Quran is phenomenal. While the singular word “a day” is used 365 times, its plural (eyyam, yewmeyn) is used 30 times. This represents the number of the days in a month, which is 30. So it is meaningful that while the singular “day” (yewm) is mentioned 365 times, the plural of it (eyyam, yewmeyn) is mentioned 30 times. In the solar calendar, the months have either 30 or 31 days and in the lunar calendar the months have either 29 or 30 days. So, the number 30 is the intersection group for both calendars. In the community to which the Quran was revealed, the lunar calendar was in use; the mention of “30” is therefore meaningful. It takes 29.53 days for the moon, the satellite in the sky, to make a month. The rounded figure is 30. With such mathematical miracles, we witness that the Quran calculates correctly this rounding up business. Likewise, the world completes its cycle around the sun in 365.25 days exactly. The rounded figure is 365. The word | Number of occurrence | Days | 30 | Number of days in a month | 30 |