Pearl of Wisdom

'A man entered the mosque and said, 'There is no rule save Allah's.' Then another man said, 'There is no rule save Allah's.' So [Imam] 'Ali said, 'There is no rule save Allah's. Allah's promise is indeed true. And do not let yourself be upset by those who have no conviction. You do not know what these [men] are saying; they are saying, 'There [should] be no government'. O People! You are not set straight without a ruler, be he pious or wicked.' They replied, 'We understand about the pious, but what about the wicked?' He said, '[Under whom] the believer toils and the wicked thrives, and Allah decrees the final outcome, your roads become safe, your markets operate, your booty is collected, your enemy is fought, and your weak is protected from the powerful from among you.'

Abu al-Bakhtari
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 31618

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